Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Freeman Stakeholder Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Freeman Stakeholder Theory - Essay Example Employees have their jobs and livelihoods at stake and suppliers provide raw materials to the corporation, hence its success is vital to their success. Similarly, managers, customers and the community are other stakeholders in the corporation, all of whom stand to benefit from it. (Freeman, 1984). On this basis, Freeman argues that changes that have occurred in corporations law have resulted in constraints, in that stakeholder interests are being compromised in the interest of promoting the interests of stockholders, which has produced an outcome that is not conducive to the general good. He therefore contends that all stakeholders have the right to benefit equally and need to participate in determining the future direction of the firm. The purpose of the firm cannot be described as merely that of maximizing profits for stockholders (Freeman, 1999). Freeman bases his Doctrine of Fair Contracts on a normative basis, i.e, that fairness dictates that the purpose of the firm and its operations should be such as to ensure that there is a basic equality maintained among all groups of stakeholders. Therefore, the normative basis applies justice and fairness, as outlined in Rawls’ theory, using the device of the social contract. Under the social contract, every person has the right to certain basic liberties, which are equal to that which others have (Rawls, 1971:53). Furthermore, opportunities should be available to everyone without restriction and they must be of the greatest benefit to the least advantaged members of society (Rawls, 1971:303). Applying a normative basis to stakeholder holder theory, the guiding principle is that a firm should be managed in such a way that the benefits are balanced for all stakeholders and this is achieved by the Fair Doctrine principles outlined above. When a firm is managed in such a way that only stockholders benefit, then this may undermine the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Memoirs of a Geisha Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Memoirs of a Geisha - Essay Example In the latter part of the novel, the setting describes the dawning of the 20th century. Overall, Golden echoed the cultural, social, and political historical events in the East Asia through the memoirs of a typical entertainer. This essay functions as a review of Arthur Golden’s Memoir of a Geisha through an in-depth analysis of the novel’s literary elements and historical explorations on Japanese culture. Around 1600, until the late period of 1700s, geishas were men who used to perform and sang theatrical and artistic presentations.1 They were known then as professional entertainers and disciples of the visual arts. Later on, women entered into the world of geisha and became more prominent entertainers than men. Female geisha apply distinctive make up, wear elaborate hairstyles and fine-looking silk kimonos, and abide by the doctrines of obis and rules of propriety. They live in the abode of whoever bought them and finance their education. Their education and artistic training includes performing tea ceremonies, serving food and beverages, playing music and singing, conversation, and dancing. A geisha community has staffs who manage booking appearances and performances of geishas on private gatherings. In the advent of modernism, geisha has been becoming a remnant of Japan’s old society. Most female Japanese are now interested to and preoccupied by emerging career opportunitie s than becoming heirs of and perpetuating cultural traditions. In writing the Memoirs of a Geisha, beside from his academic studies on Japan’s cultural traditions and arts, Golden crucially used the information he elicited from a legendary geisha. He gathered such personal and historical details to bring a fictional novel into birth. That novel is now considered as a historical fiction because it tells a story of a fictional person from a far flung era, which is entirely